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Protection & Security Services

Crimson Protection & Security


  Our Private Investigators are former FBI Special Agents: Crimson 

  사설수사기관은  전직 FBI 특수 요원들

  • As such, we are qualified and licensed investigators, ready to provide an effective and safe Protection Detail. 

       Crimson 사설수사기관은  전직 FBI 특수 요원과 능력이 검증된 자격증 소유자들로 구성되어 있다


Personnel Protection & Transportation Service:


  • Crimson provides Protection Detail for VIPs during their visits to USA.  We transport our guests in a specially armored Cadillac Escalade SUV forming a protected environment to their destinations.  

       방탄 교통 수단 (에스코트) 서비스와 미국 방문 기간 중의 보호 서비스 세부 사항

  • Crimson agents will “discreetly” pick up our VIP guests from any airports and/or hotels, and transport them safety to their destinations.      

      크림슨  SUV로 공항 픽업부터 목적지에로의 안전한 교통 수단 제공

  • Crimson provides armed security detail for total privacy and security. (Contact us for more information on this program).











Security and Safety Consultation and Advisement:

안전과 보안 컨설팅과 조언 제안 비용: 


  • Crimson provides legal services for overseas guests/visitors who encounter any legal issues with the police and/or with the law during their stay in the USA.  Crimson has Korean, Japanese, and Chinese-speaking employees on-hand to assist with any legal matters.  

      미국 방문 시와  비상 상황 발생 시 합법적 지역 대변 기관으로서의 CIS


  • Crimson can serve as your local legal representation in the event of an emergency for any unexpected encounter with the local laws during the visit to the USA.


  • Crimson can address safety and security related concerns and questions during visit and stay in the USA, including all visa and immigration issues and matters.

Background Investigation and Personnel Location:

백그라운드 조사와 조직 내 인원의 위치 파악:


  • Crimson conducts personnel background checks, including education, work experience, and asset verification.

​       교육, 경력, 자산 인증 등을 포함한 조직 내 인원의 백그라운드 확인

  • Crimson can verify company/corporation background, asset and contract verification, and authorizations. 

      자산과 계약건의 진위여부 또한 인증 등  회사 백그라운드 확인

Property and Asset Protection:

재산과 자산 보호


  • Crimson provides consultation in asset protection and overseas asset transfers. 

       Crimson는 자산 보호와 송금과 관련된 서비스를 제공한다

  • Crimson conducts background checks and other verification for international business dealings in order to prevent fraudulent transactions. 

      사기성 송금을 방지하기 위해 국제 사업 관련 인증 확인과 백그라운드 확인을 수행한다

  • Crimson assists in permanent resident visa applications, utilizing its own in-house attorneys, and assists in facilitating their applications through the Immigration and Naturalization Services.


Crimson SUV - Cadillac Escalade EVS

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